Sweet Child at Easter Card

A vintage Easter card image featuring an adorable Easter bunny wearing a smile and a hat that says, “Happy Easter.” He carries two baskets full of decorated Easter eggs as he makes his way to the homes of special children everywhere! The front of the card says, “To a sweet child at Easter!” Inside the card is the message, “I'll give you a bunny hug first chance I get, but for now here's a wish for your best Easter yet!”

product tags: vintage, easter, bunny, bunnies, easter bunny, sweet, child, boy, girl, children, basket, easter eggs, hug, cards,

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Family Rules for Togetherness Poster

This poster has the perfect rules for family togetherness. Keep your promises, share, think of others before yourself, say I Love You, listen to your parents, do your best, say please and thank-you, always tell the truth, laugh at yourself, hug often, use kind words & love each other. Good maxisms to keep in our daily lives. You can edit this poster to change the background color from white. Moods of Maggie thanks you!
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