Mexican Carrot Worker Edinburg Texas 1939 Tees

Mexican Carrot Worker Edinburg Texas 1939 Mexican Carrot Worker Edinburg Texas 1939. Farm farmer farmers migrant worker. From our collection of vintage photographs; historic photos of old time life in the twenties and thirties. A glimpse of family, work, fun, hope and despair is evident in these powerful images.
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Lucky Rural Horseshoe Wooden Fence iPhone 4 Case

Features a slightly rusting iron horseshoe pinned to a weathered wooden fence as a unique design for your mobile device speck hard case. Might bring luck and fortune to the owner. The design also appears on other products. View and buy this product at international stores – Click the panel below
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Holstein Dairy Cow Cattle Ranch Business Card

A black and white Holstein or Fresian cow lays on a fresh green grassy pasture. Easily customizeable to include your contact information and suitable for milk producers, cattle ranchers or breeding programs, large animal veterinarians etc.
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