This poster explains order of operations (PEMDAS). This poster makes for a great classroom teaching aid/decoration, especially in math classrooms.

product tags: math, mathematics, orders of operation, algebra, middle school, high school, secondary school, academic, classroom, classroom decoration, teachers, teaching aid,

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Shih Tzu is smarter than honor student – funny Bumper Sticker

My Shih Tzu is smarter than your honor student – funny bumper stickers. It's time for Shih Tzu owners to get in on this whole bragging about an honor student. Shih Tzu's are smart dogs. Every Shih Tzu owner knows that their dog is one of the smartest dog breeds, right? Well now it's your turn, as a proud Shih Tzu dog owner to brag about how intelligent these adorable dogs can be! If you, or someone you know owns a Shih Tzu, than this funny Shih Tzu bumper sticker would be a great gift!
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