Mac V Vietnam Veteran Ball Caps Trucker Hats

Designed By A Vietnam Veteran –Designs feature: Vietnam Veterans who where in the Army, Marines, Armor, their Divisions, Battalions, Brigades .High Quality printing, a must for the Vietnam Veteran .Been there done that show it. Please check out the rest of our store for many girft items. Try our T-Shirts–Mousepads–Coffee Mugs and Ball Caps with many more gift ideas of your choice.
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Molon Labe Bumper Stickers

Throughout history Defiance has been voiced in many ways but none better than King Leonidas of Sparta in a message to King Xerxes of Persia during the Battle of Themopylae where Leonidas led 300 of his Spartan warriors against Xerxes massive army. When Xerxes offered to spare the lives of Leonidas, his 300 personal bodyguards and a handful of Thebans and others who volunteered to defend their country, if they would lay down their arms, Leonidas shouted these two words back. Molon Labe! (mo-lone lah-veh) They mean, “Come and take them!” This great Motto has recently been adopted by those who support the 2nd Amendment and band together against the gun grabbers among us! My personal message to all those gun grabbers: “I'll gladly give you my guns….bullets first!”

product tags: 2nd, amendment, guns, freedom, liberty, rights, bumper stickers,

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No.76 HM Queen Elizabeth II France Post Cards

No.76 HM Queen Elizabeth II visits Chateau of Blois during her Royal Tour of France 1992 Welcome to our store. All our products are reproduced using the original digital files or original transparency slides provided by our own team of professional award winning photographers. Consequently our products will be of optimum quality for you to enjoy for years to come. We hope you find something to treasure during your visit. More items will be added as soon we can process them. All the photographs featured here are also available as canvas prints in our sister store SuperiorCanvasPrints
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Candy Circus Sweet Shoppe Banner Poster

This would be a great banner / Poster to use for Child's Birthday party or any other event you can think of! Personalize however you wish! All coordinating items such as invitations, Note cards, stickers, t shirts, postcards.. etc are avavilable in my shop.. All graphics are hand drawn by me! I retain the copyright on all of my graphics!
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