F16 fighting falcon aircraft supersonic airplane custom necklace

The American F16 Fighting Falcon is renowned for its superiority in air combat. It is a supersonic jet fighter that made to win any dogfight. This F16 aircraft is the pride of the US air force (USAF) and is not just any airplane. It is packed with technology that every fighter pilot needs to survive in a war situation. The F16 is one of the fastest fighter planes out there. Did you know that the F16 is called the “Viper” by its pilots? Show your love for the Fighting Falcon with this necklace containing an American flag.
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Combat Controller 2 Gray Round Stickers

Combat Controllers are trained special operations forces and certified FAA air traffic controllers. Their mission is to deploy, undetected, into combat and hostile environments to establish assault zones or airfields, while simultaneously conducting air traffic control, fire support, command and control, direct action, counter-terrorism, foreign internal defense, humanitarian assistance, and special reconnaissance.
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F-16 Thunderbird In Flight Christmas Ornament

Thanks for stopping by! Here at *Picture This And That* you'll find photographs I have taken on road trips, events and just of 'this and that'. If there is a particular product you'd like to see posted in this shop, please contact me via this product and 'Let's Talk' !
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