Worship or Torture Postcards

Worship me or I will torture you forever. Have a nice day. GOD

product tags: god free, godless, atheism, atheist, freethought, freethinker, god, anti religion, proud atheist, positive atheism, thought provoking quotes, atheist coming out, postcards,

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Science Fish Bumper Sticker

“Science Fish” An atheist satire on the Jesus Fish symbol.

product tags: agnostic, agnosticism, atheism, atheist, creationism, darwin, evolution, evolve, fish, freethinker, funny, humanist, humor, skeptic, skepticism, jesus fish, darwin fish, science fish, joke, witty, bumper stickers,

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Voyager Message Tee Shirts

When Nasa sent Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 out into interstellar space, they sent along with it a golden record with multiple images and sounds of earth. This image is the printing on one side of the record that includes instructions on how to play the record as well as a map of our relative location in relation to nearby pulsars. Designed by Carl Sagan, it is our message to any interstellar extraterrestrial intelligences that, once upon a time, we existed.
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