Short Attention Span Chicken Postcards

Short Attention Span Chicken Postcards
"I don't have a short attention span, I just… Oh, look a Chicken!" Funny saying on T-Shirts & Gifts. If you often are distracted and forgetful, this Shirts for you!

product tags: a d h d, adhd humor, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, funny adhd, funny quote, funny saying, funny adhd saying, humorous, humor, unique, irony design, adhd, silly, chickens, postcards,

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French Country Barnyard Friends Coffee Cup Mug

French Country Barnyard Friends Rooster Hen Baby Chicks Coffee Cup Mug. This design is from my great grandmother's many old kitchen curtains & tablecloths. She kept them in an old cedar chest. Grannie loved chickens & roosters!
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