Circle – Gone Squatchin' – Squatch in these Woods Christmas Ornament

Inspired by the man known as Bobo on the popular T.V. show Finding Bigfoot, this funny sasquatch design features a Big Foot creature in the center of a circle, with straight text and wraparound text. Two famous lines are included in this design: “Gone Squatchin” and “I do believe there's a squatch in these woods”. If you're a diehard bigfoot hunter and you're feelin kinda squatchy, grab one of these and let everyone know that YOU believe in the legendary woodbooger nicknamed Bigfoot.
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Modern Retro Circle Tree Recipe Binder Organizer

A special recipe binder gift to hold all the family recipe treasures together to be kept and treasured for generations to come? Hold Grandma's recipes, magazing clippings, your own recipes… whatever you want… you can organize this binder as your quintessential kitchen organizer!! br> Endless possible uses for this binder. Available in other colours in my Pip Pip Hooray Store.
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lDecorative Pop Arts Pattern Postcards

colourful collage with hearts, flowers, ogres, creatures, metallic decorative images, disks, woven patterns, circles, balls, psychedelic pictures, squares, in a modern graphic art images tile pattern with black, red, orange, white, brown, green, purple, blue, yellow and pink, in a multicolored multicoloured and interesting mixture of modern computer assited graphics pictures
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