connected mouse mat

Collage. If all the beasts were gone, men would die from a great loneliness of spirit, for whatever happens to the beasts also happens to the man. All things are connected. Whatever befalls the Earth befalls the sons of the Earth. ~Chief Seattle of the Suquamish Tribe, letter to President Franklin Pierce

product tags: environment, earth, philosophy, famous, quote, raccoon, deer, hawk, belief, mousepads,

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Deer Bear – Fear the Grizzly Shirt

Deer Bear – Fear the Grizzly Known in the forest as an adrenalin fiend, a competitive fighter and cunning hunter, beer Grizzly trains hard and moves silently through the trees, some call him the ninja of the forest. This heavyweight predator loves wallowing in mud and dirt to mask his scent and often is seen with full rack deer antlers as a disguise to fool his prey …. or just maybe this fearless carnivore has a twisted sense of humor as he chases down his dinner.
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Mule Deer Aprons

Mule deer are so-named for named for their large mule-like ears. They have a white patch on their rump, with a small tail that is white with a black tip. They shed their hair twice a year, leaving a fine reddish brown coat in the summer months, and a coarse, grayish coat in the winter. Bucks (males) have a darkened v-shaped area on their forehead and dark chest coloring during winter. Fawns have reddish brown summer coat with white spots on their back and sides. The spots disappear within three to four months.

product tags: deer, mule, hunting, wildlife, animals, aprons,

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