Dreaming Dragon Bookplate Round Stickers

Dreaming Dragon Bookplate Round Stickers

product tags: age, bookplates, fractal, book, metaphysical, fractals, new age, new, original, digital, unique, books, bookplate, pixel clip, clip, clipart, clipart graphics, clip graphics, pixel images, clipart images, clip images, dragon, dragons, dreaming, dreams, dream, moon, lunar, luna, stickers,

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Sparkle 3 return address label

Sparkle 3 return address label
Fractal abstract art, Vicky Brago-Mitchell. Made on a PC with UltraFractal software.

Fractal art is produced using the formulas and coloring algorithms of fractal geometry, a branch of mathematics first described comprehensively by Benoît Mandelbrot in The Geometry of Nature, 1982.
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Floral Landscape Watercolor Mandala Pins

Floral Landscape Watercolor Mandala Pins
A chorus of pastel colors dance in this digital abstraction of a watercolor garden.

product tags: flower, painting, mandala, colorful, watercolor, floral, fractal, abstract, painted, paintings, flowers, green, mixed media, meadow, landscape, new age, buttons,

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