40"x40" (max) HUDF Hubble Ultra Deep Field Print

40"x40" (max) HUDF Hubble Ultra Deep Field Print
This is a beautiful, awe-inspiring, full-resolution version of NASA's Hubble Ultra Deep Field (HUDF) telescope image, including hundreds of distant stars and galaxies ready for a 40"x40" print. Details: 6200×6200 (109MB) TIFF file from NASA converted with Adobe Photoshop, using a light (0.1) de-noise filter, and saved as a JPEG (Q 12) at full resolution. Try the Premium Canvas!

product tags: udf, hudf, hubble, ultra, deep, field, space, stars, star, galaxies, galaxy, telescope, nasa, posters,

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Hunab Ku Postcards

Gateway 2012

product tags: 2012, inca, maya, aztec, olmec, nouveau, deco, mandalas, geometry, phi, fractal, chi, prana, spirituality, sacred, connectivity, evolution, awareness, flow, space, universe, galaxies, nebula, nova, comets, stars, sun, planets, earth, moon, air, fire, water, lightning, postcards,

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