Illegal is illegal. postcard

Illegal is illegal. postcard
What part of illegal don't people understand? Some issues are just black and white. Illegal is illegal. Illegal aliens are breaking the law, just like any other criminal, and they should be punished under the law, just like any other criminal. When you put a drug dealer or bank robber in jail for breaking the law, no one cries over "breaking up their family" so why do people complain when illegal aliens are locked up. Illegal immigration is not a victimless crime, but it is a crime. It's time people start acting like it.

product tags: illegal is illegal, stop illegal immigration, amnesty, no amnesty, illegal immigration, protect the border, secure the border, seal the border, border security, illegal aliens are criminals, anti amnesty, protest illegal immigration, issues, postcards,

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TEE Freedom's Calling Business Card

TEE Freedom's Calling Business Card
For those in the nation who think Freedom is calling again and our liberties must be protected, get this Freedom's Calling slogan and retro liberty lady calling out image on t-shirts, posters, bumper stickers, and other items. Comes in Answer the Call tagline version, too. Patriotic gear for the America first crowd.

product tags: freedom, liberty, democracy, usa, united states, lady liberty, freedom's calling, protect our freedoms, bill of rights, libertarians, libertarian, statue of liberty, republican, slogan, catch phrase, saying, politics, political, anti obama, constitution, constitutional conservative, issues, business cards,

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Peace Through Superior Firepower Round Sticker

Peace Through Superior Firepower Round Sticker
Peace through superior firepower. "To avoid clashes sometimes you have to dissuade (the other side) by demonstrating you are stronger."

product tags: peace, superior, firepower, pro gun, gun, peace through superior firepower, conservative, rightwing, symbol, guns, stars, star, target, cross, crosshairs, scope, second, amendment, second amendment, defense, shape, design, visualnewbie, bold, weapons, weapon, right to bear arms, arms, protect, protection, shoot, shooting, issues, stickers,

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Irish Seasons Poster

Irish Seasons Poster
To Every Thing There Is A Season Irish Poster

product tags: think green, seasonal, spring, summer, winter, fall, autumn, earth, planet, life, landscape, dirt, earth day, church, inspirational, motivational, philosophical, science, nature, back to school, issues, posters,

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PTSD Awareness Button

PTSD Awareness Button
PTSD is very real and it affects us all.

product tags: ptsd, post traumatic stress disorder, post traumatic stress syndrome, post traumatic syndrome disorder, trauma, psychology, psychological, disorders, health, mental health, mental, military, veterans, loss, cope, coping, people, cultures, issues, help, know, psyche, miscellaneous, buttons,

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