Intensity Magnet

A close-up shot of the face of a grey cat with yellow eyes and dilated pupils, resting his head on his paw and staring intently at something behind the camera.

product tags: feline, kitty, kitten, whiskers, gray cat, cat's eyes, golden, watch, intent, spying, face, cat face, nose, gold, golden eyes, grey, gray, stare, watching, hidden, spy, in the dark, secrecy, photo, magnets,

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American Mediumhair Calico Kitten Postcards

This cat-themed postcard design features a digital color photograph of a domestic (American) mediumhair (DMH) calico shelter kitten from Frederick County Animal Control. It makes a unique gift for cat lovers!Buy this item as is, or show more individuality when you customize the design with your own text (using the font of your choice) or additional image, or resize or crop the graphic. Shop for other customizable feline products with this image: postcards, greeting cards, note cards, holiday cards, bumper stickers, postage stamps, refrigerator magnets, mugs, t-shirts and keychains. View more custom items and designs that make great gifts or gift ideas. Support a good cause when purchasing from the FCACshelter store. All proceeds are donated to support shelter animals. Photo courtesy M. Bernard, FCAC volunteer.
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