"Don't Tread On Me" Shirt

The Gadsden Flag design is a classic emblem of independence and liberty. Ben Franklin himself noted how the rattlesnake was a perfect emblem of the American Spirit and vigilance against tyranny with its eyes never shut by lids and “She never begins an attack, nor, when once engaged, ever surrenders.” LibertyManiacs is proud to offer a wide array of Gadsden designs on products. Better yet, these products are all able to be edited by you to represent your individual take on this historic emblem of liberty. So please, play around with the designs, make them yours, and let us know your thoughts and ideas for more great liberty products!
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Lady Liberty Watches Over NYC (color) Postcards

A gift of friendship from the French people to the United States, Lady Liberty marked the centennial of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Today, the statue is one of the quintessential symbols of the United States, much like the Eiffel Tower represents France.
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Vintage Stars And Stripes Pine Wood Pattern Mug

A vintage red white and blue stars and stripes american flag on pine wood pattern background.The perfect gift idea for anyone on any occasion
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Dimmit's Goliad Flag Hat Embroidered Baseball Cap

Okay liberty-loving Texans, as you probably already know this hat design is based off of the Dimmit's Goliad Flag design of 1824. The insurgent banner was designed by Goliad garrison commander, Capt. Phillip Dimmitt, dramatically reflected the political shift of Texians and Capt. Dimmitt away from support of the independent statehood of Texas in the Mexican Federalist Republic and return to the Constitution of 1824 to support of complete separation from Mexico as an independent Republic.
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Mark Twain Poster

“Irreverence is the champion of liberty and its only defense.” – Mark Twain Our motto at LibertyManacs.com

product tags: mark twain, samuel clemens, satire, quote, american, liberty, irreverence, author, american authors, literature, portrait, libertymaniacs, libertarian, posters,

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Vintage Stars And Stripes Pine Wood Pattern Print

A vintage red white and blue stars and stripes american flag on pine wood pattern background.The perfect gift idea for anyone on any occasion
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Molon Labe Bumper Stickers

Throughout history Defiance has been voiced in many ways but none better than King Leonidas of Sparta in a message to King Xerxes of Persia during the Battle of Themopylae where Leonidas led 300 of his Spartan warriors against Xerxes massive army. When Xerxes offered to spare the lives of Leonidas, his 300 personal bodyguards and a handful of Thebans and others who volunteered to defend their country, if they would lay down their arms, Leonidas shouted these two words back. Molon Labe! (mo-lone lah-veh) They mean, “Come and take them!” This great Motto has recently been adopted by those who support the 2nd Amendment and band together against the gun grabbers among us! My personal message to all those gun grabbers: “I'll gladly give you my guns….bullets first!”

product tags: 2nd, amendment, guns, freedom, liberty, rights, bumper stickers,

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