"Two of a Kind" Postcard

"Two of a Kind" Postcard
Two albinos – a strange elf girl and her ferret! I've always thought that ferrets were very magical creatures. My own original acrylic painting.

product tags: fantasy, ferret, ferrets, albino, albinism, albinos, pink, white, weasel, ermine, pet, animal, animals, becket, griffith, jasmine becket griffith, jasmin, strangeling, artist, goth, gothic, fairy, gothic fairy, faery, fairies, faerie, fairie, lowbrow, low brow, big eyes, strangling, postcards,

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"Cheshire Cat Cuddle" Postcard

"Cheshire Cat Cuddle" Postcard
"Cheshire Cat Cuddle"! Part of my ever popular Alice in Wonderland series, here we have a quiet, more personal scene of Alice cuddling the Cheshire Cat almost as if he were a normal kitten. He looks pretty cuddly to me, but surely there is a glint of mischief in those eyes…. and that GRIN! Gotta love the Cheshire Cat! My own original acrylic painting.

product tags: alice, wonderland, victorian, children, fairytale, lewis carroll, cheshire cat, cheshire, cat, cats, fantasy, eye, eyes, jasmine becket griffith, jasmin, strangeling, artist, goth, gothic, fairy, gothic fairy, faery, fairies, faerie, fairie, lowbrow, low brow, big eyes, strangling, original, postcards,

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Poppy Fairy big eyed gothic fairy Art Print

Poppy Fairy big eyed gothic fairy Art Print
Poppy Fairy – part of my "Flowers" series, this lovely big eyed fairy portrait is accented with one of my favourites – the vibrant red poppy! I love the bright red of the poppy – I was in France for an art thing this summer and they had whole FIELDS of poppies! Actually the whole France thing probably inspired this piece specifically – I gave her the same sort of Rococo feel that a lot of the old French portraits had. My own original acrylic painting. ******PLEASE NOTE – FEEL FREE TO CHANGE SIZES, PAPER TYPE, ADD A FRAME, MATTING, OR LEAVE IT AS A PLAIN PRINT!******

product tags: fantasy, flower, flowers, poppy, poppies, red flowers, red, rococo, france, french, cute, angel, eye, griffith, jasmine becket griffith, jasmin, strangeling, artist, goth, gothic, fairy, gothic fairy, faery, fairies, faerie, fairie, lowbrow, low brow, big eyes, strangling, original, posters,

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Poisonous Beauties 2 : White Oleander ART PRINT

Poisonous Beauties 2 : White Oleander ART PRINT
The second installment in my Poisonous Beauties series – a series of works featuring portraits of faery creatures and various poisonous plants! #2 in this series of course features White Oleander – very poisonous indeed! My own original acrylic painting. ******PLEASE NOTE – FEEL FREE TO CHANGE SIZES, PAPER TYPE, ADD A FRAME, MATTING, OR LEAVE IT AS A PLAIN PRINT!******

product tags: artsprojekt, white, oleander, white oleander, poison fairy, big eyed fairy, big eyes, poisonous, gothic, poisonous beauties, beauty, big eye, murderess, becket, griffith, jasmine becket griffith, jasmin, strangeling, artist, goth, fairy, gothic fairy, faery, fairies, faerie, fairie, lowbrow, low brow, strangling, fantasy, original, posters,

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"The Secret of Notre Dame" Postcard

High atop beautiful gothic Notre Dame Cathedral is a mysterious gargoyle fairy, and her gargoyle companions, looking over the Paris skyline. This is my own original acrylic painting.
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"Nixie" Postcard

"Nixie" Postcard
Nixie! Nixie is the name of a character in a book of short stories I am in the process of illustrating. In the book, Nixie is a beautiful mermaid who lives near a shipwrecked pirate ship (seen in the background.) I've shown her with some of her tropical fish friends. My own original acrylic painting.

product tags: fantasy, eye, eyes, nixie, mermaid, nymph, mermaids, pearl, jewels, jewel, pirate, underwater, ocean, big eye, big eyed, jasmine, becket griffith, becket, griffith, jasmine becket griffith, jasmin, strangeling, artist, goth, gothic, fairy, gothic fairy, faery, fairies, faerie, fairie, lowbrow, postcards,

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"Rose Fairy" Postcard

"Rose Fairy" Postcard
Rose Fairy – part of my "Flowers" series, this lovely fairy portrait is accented with pretty roses. My own original acrylic painting.

product tags: fantasy, eye, eyes, rose fairy, rose, roses, gothic rose, butterfly, butterflies, flower, flowers, floral, big eye, jasmin, strangeling, artist, goth, gothic, fairy, gothic fairy, faery, fairies, faerie, fairie, lowbrow, low brow, big eyes, strangling, original, pop, postcards,

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"Red Butterfly Ferrets" Postcard

"Red Butterfly Ferrets" Postcard
Part of my long-running Ferrets series! Having spent a lot of time with family ferrets, I can concur that they seem to be of the same magical & mischievous vein that the fairy folk are. Just imagine how much trouble they'd get into if they could fly!!!! Here I've shown them as winged beasties with a fairy friend! Made from my own original acrylic painting.

product tags: fantasy, ferret, ferrets, feretts, ferrett, ferretts, ferets, weasel, pet, animal, butterfly, butterflies, wing, big eyed, jasmine, becket griffith, becket, griffith, jasmine becket griffith, jasmin, strangeling, artist, goth, gothic, fairy, gothic fairy, faery, fairies, faerie, fairie, lowbrow, low brow, postcards,

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