Don't Blame Me – I Voted for Romney Bumper Sticker

Don't Blame Me – I voted for Romney – Anti Obama – 11.06.12 – See hundreds more like this at
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Romney Ryan 2012 Patriotic Election Comeback Fridge Magnets

Portraits of Republican candidate for President, Governor Mitt Romney, along with GOP Vice Presidential candidate Congressman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin against a backdrop or an American flag in patriot colors of red white and blue – the Stars and Stripes of the United States of America. Conservative political election campaign gear for 2012 election against Barack OBama and Joe Biden. From Mama Winger for Cowboyannie Designs. We in Wisconsin are proud to be represented by Congressman Ryan. VIctory!
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Romney Vs. Obama – Success Vs. Failure Pinback Buttons

Its time to stop punishing success and once again embrace American Exceptionalism. Barack Obama has been an unmitigated failure as President of the United States. Its time to elect a real leader with proven results. Its time to turn American back to its course of greatness. Do you want four more years of failure under Barack Obama or do you want achievement and growth? Vote for a leader. Vote for success. Vote Mitt Romney for President of the United States.
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Freedom, Pro-Romney 2012 Bumper Sticker Decal

“Freedom”, where the R is like the Mitt Romney campaign logo. Freedom to live, to prosper, and to believe in your religion. Show your support for the free-market capitalist candidate who believes in allowing those who work hard and dream big to prosper and create wealth. Conservative bumper sticker decal is great for Christians, Mormons, Pro-life advocates and people who support Mitt Romney for president.
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Sorry Yet? Anti Obama Bumper Stickers

Sorry Yet? Anti Obama Bumper Stickers
Get ready for the 2012 election season! A popular bumper sticker that has spent time on the best selling list.

product tags: sorry yet, nobama, conservative, republican, politics, anti obama, tea party, libertarian, the2012election, mitt romney, ron paul, my2cents, bumper stickers,

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