The Serenity Prayer Refrigerator Magnet

The Serenity Prayer Refrigerator Magnet
The Serenity Prayer God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. – -Reinhold Niebuhr

product tags: inspirational, spiritual, quotes, addiction, a a, alcoholics, anonymous, oceans, cross, christian, step, 12steps, design, alcoholicsanonymous, experience, strength, hope, anon, friend, bill, serenity, prayer, peace, love, magnets,

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Ban Shark Finning Bumper Sticker

Ban Shark Finning Bumper Sticker
Stand up for the sharks! Spread the word about the cruelty of shark finning, and help in the fight to have it banned around the world.

product tags: changed, shark, finning, shark finning, ban shark finning, conservation, ocean, ecology, dive, dive gear, dive humor, diver, diving, sharks, protection, protect sharks, oceans, bumper stickers,

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USS Princeton (CG 59) Poster

USS Princeton (CG 59) Poster
USS Princeton

product tags: uss princeton, cruisers, guided missile cruisers, ships, military, boats, naval, navy, navies, maritime, marine, seas, oceans, vessels, sailors, usns, nautical, warships, battles, wars, conflicts, firepower, weapons, u s schiff meer see boot, military history, ship, posters,

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Dragonfly Round Stickers

Dragonfly Round Stickers
Personalize your very own one-of-a-kind Yes merchandise. Change shirt styles & colors! Add pix and text! make it yours!

product tags: yes, english, progressive, rock, chris, squire, steve, howe, alan, white, benot, david, oliver, eyes, keys, ascension, talk, union, big, generator, 90125, drama, tormato, going, for, one, relayer, tales, from, topographic, oceans, close, edge, stickers,

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