Color Five Element Acupuncture Poster

The five element theory is the cornerstone of acupuncture and meridian therapy. This poster clearly shows the relationship of the five elements (Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood). The 12 main meridians are grouped by their element showing their relationships to each other through the Sheng and Ko cycle. The command points “element points” are listed along with the Luo, Xi-Cleft, and Source points. Tonification, sedation, and horary points are marked for each meridian. Yin meridians “Zang organs” are in the inside of the circle, Yang meridians “Fu organs” are on the outside. A very unique color horary cycle diagram. This poster contains 8 valuable tables: The characteristics of color, flavor, sense, emotion, tissue, climate… of the elements. Characteristics of Yin and Yang. Alarm points (Front-mu points). Associated points (back-shu points). Extra associated points that are not listed on most charts. 41 Cardinal points, this are points specific for a condition of body part. Tsing points (Jing-well points), used for meridian graphing and powerful points for treatment. Muscle/Meridian associations used in applied kinesiology.
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Art Nouveau Posters – French Beauty

French art posters from “Les Maitres de l'Affiche” brought back to life. Art Nouveau burst onto the art scene from 1890-1914. It created quite the stir in the art world. Now a bit of history can be yours to enjoy. Beautiful Framed!
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Business & IT Print

Business and Information Technologies related theme. You can add a text, schedule, calendar, announcement or any info on it. Please check other similar products on “Business” product line. Thank you.

product tags: concept, conceptual, idea, metaphor, market, stock, exchange, money, currency, business, info, information, computers, planet, world, hand, internet, science, www, web, website, intranet, team, file, work, job, working, posters,

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