NDAA Bill of Rights T-Shirt

As of December 31, 2011 your rights outlined in the Bill of Rights no longer exist. President Obama has signed the NDAA which gives authority to the president to order the military to indefinitely detain U.S. citizens without official charge or trial on the mere suspicion of being a terrorist or linked to a terrorist organization.
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1944 Roosevelt – Truman Pinback Buttons

1944 Roosevelt - Truman Pinback Buttons
Presidential Campaign Poster

product tags: politics, political, parties, government, democracy, elections, media, liberal, radical, libertarian, conservative, democratic, green, socialist, communist, america, international, affairs, science, activism, constitution, human, rights, death, penalty, abortion, union, buttons,

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Amendment II Print

Amendment II Print
Part of the bill of rights, the Second Amendment guarantees the right of individuals to own firearms. A great gift idea for any Patriotic American!

product tags: bill of rights, rights, constitution, patriotic, america, united states, liberty, amendment, second, bear, arms, militia, guns, posters,

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