Gymnast Performing Mat Routine Greeting Card

Gymnast Performing Mat Routine Greeting Card

product tags: spotlight, people, activity, vitality, agility, flexibility, motion, control, strength, grace, joy, balance, coordination, back lit, east asian ethnicity, gymnastics, jumping, light, shadow, luminosity, illuminated, one person, ethnicity, adult, young adult, mid adult, 20 29 years, 30 39 years, lighting equipment, sports event, athlete, females, women, young women, cards,

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The Serenity Prayer Refrigerator Magnet

The Serenity Prayer Refrigerator Magnet
The Serenity Prayer God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. – -Reinhold Niebuhr

product tags: inspirational, spiritual, quotes, addiction, a a, alcoholics, anonymous, oceans, cross, christian, step, 12steps, design, alcoholicsanonymous, experience, strength, hope, anon, friend, bill, serenity, prayer, peace, love, magnets,

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Emerson Quote 2a Refrigerator Magnets

Emerson Quote 2a Refrigerator Magnets
"What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you." – Ralph Waldo Emerson

product tags: ralph waldo emerson, emerson, quote, quotes, quotation, quotations, sayings, writer, writing, words, author, literature, famous, philosophical, poem, inspire, inspiring, inspiration, inspirational, motivate, motivational, motivating, individual, individuality, strength, inner strength, courage, brave, bravery, magnets,

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Inner Strength Button

Inner Strength Button
A psychedelic tiger's face emerges from the Sri Yantra. Prismacolor colored pencils.

The Sri Yantra is a Hindu mandala composed of nine interlocking triangles: four upright triangles, representing Shiva the masculine, and five downward triangles representing Shakti the feminine. They form 43 smaller triangles, which are arranged in 9 'levels'. This is surrounded by a lotus of 8 petals and a lotus of 16 petals. The dot in the center is the Bindu point and represents the final stage of meditation. Each level corresponds to a mudra and yogini, and a specific form of the deity Tripura Sundari along with her mantra. Each individual petal and triangle has an assigned name and meaning as well.
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Asian Elephant in Vintage Colors Business Card

Asian Elephant . Graphic design with vintage feel . Great for elephant lovers . By Alma Wad .Elephas maximus is an endangered specie . This business card is ideal for elephant lovers /tour operators .It is also great as personal call card .Printed on a special Indestructible card stock .
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