Automotive Business Cards

Automotive Business Cards
Automotive business cards with photo of mechanic wrenches on the front and great layout you can customize now! This is a great auto business card for auto repair shops, auto mechanic, tire stores or any auto business or service.

product tags: automotive, auto, cars, car, mechanic, repair, service, wash, cleaning, detailing, technician, racing, parts, garage, transportation, used, new, lucky turtle designs, luckyturtle, bigcowdesigns, big cow designs, business cards,

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Stylish automotive business card

Stylish automotive business card
Business card for mechanics, auto repair shop, car parts store, etc. Change the placeholder image to your logo if you have one, or delete the placeholder and insert your business name (costumize it!).

product tags: stylish, automotive, auto, detail, detailing, details, car, wash, shiny, automobile, modern, elegant, bubble, cars, race, nice, business cards,

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Clean & Dirty Dishwasher Magnet

Cute and unique Clean and Dirty dishwasher kitchen magnet with blue sparkling bubbles with the word "CLEAN" in white text on one half and a coffee stained napkin is the background with the word "Dirty" in black grungy text on the other half. A nice gift idea for the domestic goddess for her kitchen! The fun solution as to when to load and when to empty the dish washer.
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