LLLMultiplication Card 11.4

LLLMultiplication Card 11.4 I created “Holey Helpers” to assist my students with the understanding of multiplication. Since these have worked so well in my classroom I tried to come up with a way to share them here on Zazzle. I decided to use cards as this seemed to be an inexpensive option for my product. You cut out the holes and place paper underneath which gets moved around as you do different problems. Groups, Each, and Together are used to identify parts of our problems and we put those words together to come up with our slogan of “G E T it together”! After using these several times, I now skip the middle one, but I feel it is a necessary step for the students when we are first learning the concept of multiplication. I tried to put the directions on the card but I am not sure how good that will turn out. If you purchase these and need a copy of the directions I will be more than happy to send you some if you email me at fllf_bdgt@yahoo.com

product tags: school, education, math, multiplication, learning, aid, holey, helper, division, elementary, second, grade, third, indiana, washington, teacher, cards,

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If Guns Kill People Do Pencils Misspell Words Bumper Stickers

Follow Me, SuperPatriot, On Twitter! Check out thousands of great customizable products at www.SuperPatriot1776.com
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The American Patriot Coffee Mugs

“The Constitution is the lifeblood of the American Patriot. Liberty is her child and she is your birthright. Defend her with your last breath; for without freedom, democracy shall forever suffocate beneath the dregs of tyranny.” Mug

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