End Two Party Politics Bumper Stickers

End Two Party Politics Bumper Stickers
The two parties that supposedly give us the freedom to choose our President are not focused on the people, but themselves. Their party politics continually get in the way of meaningful legislation and what's best for this country. They work together on one issue however – keeping the American people distracted. By bringing to the political arena issues such as abortion and gay marriage, they effectively remove the focus from the most important issues. We are confronted every election with two party choices. Sure, there are independent nominees, but they do not receive the same media coverage or funds that the Republicans and Democrats do. In essence, they have no chance against the two giants of politics. The two party system is dividing this nation and destroying the American dream!

product tags: anti, asses, democrat, elephant, gop, green, party, independent, liberal, obama, republican, two, politics, senator, bumper stickers,