Middle Earth Map Refrigerator Magnets

Middle Earth Map Refrigerator Magnets
I think there's more to this hobbit than meets the eye. In the common tongue it reads "One Ring to Rule Them All. One Ring to Find Them. One Ring to Bring Them All and In The Darkness Bind Them."

product tags: lord of the rings, fellowship of the ring, return of the king, twin towers, lord of the rings trilogy, j r r tolkien, jrr tolkien, frodo, frodo baggins, legolas, legolas greenleaf, samwise, samwise gamgee, aragorn, treebeard, merry, pippin, witchking, gimli, theoden, ewoyn, sauron, meriadoc brandybuck, peregrin took, nazgul, eomer, orcs, orc, elrond, denethor, boromir, faramir, bilbo baggins, bilbo, magnets,