Americans DO NOT Stand Down Bumper Stickers

Terrorist attack on American Embassy in Benghazi Libya on 9/11 2012 leaves 4 Americans dead, including two Navy Seals and our Ambassador. The Obama Administration watched this in real time and did nothing to rescue these men and now they are dead. Orders were given to Stand Down, that is, do not provide assistance. Americans do not stand down, and the military is trained not to leave their personnel behind. Pleas for additional security prior to the attacks were denied. Requests for help during the attacks were denied. During the attack, Obama went to bed, and then he went to Vegas for an election campaign fundraiser. Shameful. Horrifying. Political bumper sticker in support of those who gave their lives needlessly so as not to disrupt President Obama's re-election campaign, from Mama Winger for Cowboyannie Designs.
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