Pretending To Be A Peacock Tile

Pretending To Be A Peacock Tile
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Pretending to be a Peacock at Got The Gift?
The peacock is a symbol of immortality and renewal and has historical
associations with Christianity and Easter. Everyone loves the beauty and
the neon-like colours when different light catches peacock feathers.
Whether you are superstitious, love the feathers as decoration, or
whether you collect peacock memorabilia or own peacocks this range of
peacock gifts is a certain delight.
Pretending To Be A Peacock : a beautiful art nouveau reproduction
depicting a beautiful woman striking a vogue pose. Dressed in vintage
costume the woman attire is completed with a headdress and skirt of
peacock feathers. The peacock blue and peacock green are a bold and
bright contrast to the black background.
Pretending To Be A Peacock: 30cm x 30cm acrylic painting completed 13
November 2009. Painted on 300gsm acrylic paper. The original is framed
and available for sale.

product tags: party, peacock, dance, nouveau, fancy dress, costume party, celebration, theatrical, vintage, mardi gras, painting, acrylic painting, fashion, vintage advertising, tiles,

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