Free Markets Bumper Sticker

Free Markets Bumper Sticker
Nationwide Tea Party bumper sticker

product tags: tea, party, tax, congress, president, barack, obama, stimulus, bailouts, revolution, conservative, democrat, constitution, franklin, washington, dontgo, santelli, freedom, tea party, bumper stickers,

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Romney Obama 2012 Bumper Stickers

Romney Obama 2012 Bumper Stickers
Show your support for not actually having a choice this election. Romney and Obama are the same candidate. They agree on war, torture, bailouts, Keynsianism, the Federal Reserve, abolishing the Bill of Rights, the Patriot Act, the national debt. The list doesn't end.

product tags: romney, mitt, obama, 2012, president, election, war, taxes, torture, bailouts, bumper stickers,

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