Whooping Crane (Grus americana) Print

U.S. Status Endangered, Listed 6/02/1970 Description At nearly 5 feet (1.5 m) tall, whooping cranes are the tallest birds in North America. They have a wingspan of 7.5 feet (2.3 m). Whooping cranes are white with rust-colored patches on top and back of head, lack feathers on both sides of the head, yellow eyes, and long, black legs and bills. Their primary wing feathers are black but are visible only in flight
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Rescue Dogs Rule v3 Dog Tee Shirt

Rescue Dogs Rule promotes getting pets from shelters and rescue. This pet adoption design is available on t-shirts, stickers, mugs and more. Be sure to look for the “change shirt style link” if you want a different color or style of apparel.You can find a great pet at your local animal shelter or from a rescued pet foster home. Take your time for the best fit. You are going to be together a long time. You can't save them all but you can save the one that will get the most from you.
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