Scatter-Brained Magnet

Scatter-Brained comic inspired by statistics (scatter-plot graph; correlation). From our Brain Idioms collection.

product tags: mri, fmri, pet, neuroimaging, eeg, tms, brain, neuron, neuroscience, dopamine, serotonin, gaba, glutamate, psychiatry, pharmacology, cognition, cognitive, freud, neurology, philosophy, research, dendrites, axon, glia, cell, soma, chemistry, mitochondria, scatter plot, graph, statistics, correlation, math, mathematics, magnets,

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Obama Job Growth Graph Buttons

Obama Job Growth Graph Buttons
Barack Obama's job creation graph. Over two years of private sector job growth while Obama is president. During this time he passed the American Recovery Act, the GM and Chrysler auto bailout, the Affordable Care Act also known as Obamacare, and the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010. He accomplished all this even with bitter partisan Republicans in charge of the House and without a filibuster proof Senate.

product tags: vote, obama, jobs, graph, growth, private sector, recovery, economy, democrat, buttons,

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