Helix Nebula Business Card

“The Helix is a planetary nebula, the glowing gaseous envelope expelled by a dying, sun-like star. The Helix resembles a simple doughnut as seen from Earth. But looks can be deceiving. New evidence suggests that the Helix consists of two gaseous disks nearly perpendicular to each other.”(qtd. from HubbleSite.org NewsCenter release STScI-2004-32)Credit: NASA, ESA, C.R. O'Dell (Vanderbilt University), M. Meixner and P. McCullough (STScI)

product tags: le0024, nasa, etoiles, les etoiles, astronomy, science, nebula, hubble, scientific, outer space, deep space, sky, nebulae, blue, black, yellow, orange, red, beautiful, pretty, haunting, inspiring, celestial, business cards,

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Antennae Galaxies, NGC 4038/4039 Poster

“The Antennae galaxies take their name from the long antenna-like “arms” extending far out from the nuclei of the two galaxies, best seen by ground-based telescopes. These “tidal tails” were formed during the initial encounter of the galaxies some 200 to 300 million years ago. They give us a preview of what may happen when our Milky Way galaxy will collide with the neighboring Andromeda galaxy in several billion years.”(qtd. from HubbleSite.org NewsCenter release STScI-2006-46)Credit: NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)-ESA/Hubble Collaboration
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