Brown-Herbert – Button

Brown-Herbert - Button
Walter Frederick Brown (born July 28, 1926) is an American politician and was the presidential candidate of the Socialist Party USA in the 2004 elections. Brown became a socialist in 1948. He served as Democratic member of the Oregon State Senate from 1975 to 1987. Brown also served as a Socialist Party of Oregon candidate for the U.S. Congress (3rd Congressional District) in 1998, 2000, 2002 and 2004 and has been the Pacific Green Party candidate for two statewide offices. Mary Alice "Mal" Herbert (born February 28, 1935) ran for Vice President as the candidate for the Socialist Party USA in 2004. She and her running-mate, Walt Brown, pulled in 10,837 votes, the highest total for the Socialist Party since 1952. She is a retired teacher. Repro pub domain for TheAttic 2010.

product tags: politics, elections, presidents, socialists, people, culture, buttons,

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Defend FreedomDefeat Obama, Defend FreedomDefea… Bumper Stickers

Defend FreedomDefeat Obama, Defend FreedomDefea... Bumper Stickers
Obama is dangerous to our Freedom of Speech. His campaign is threatening the 1st amendment along with the DNC to shut down criticisms of his record.

product tags: barackobama, politicalfigures, obama, elections2008, anti 0bama, freespeech, 1stamendment, censoring, freedom, america, constitution, democrats, anti democrats, socialists, socialism, anti socialism, communists, communism, anti scommunism, campaigns, sayings, political, bumper stickers,

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Norman Thomas – Button

Norman Thomas - Button
Norman Mattoon Thomas (November 20, 1884 – December 19, 1968) was a leading American socialist, pacifist, and six-time presidential candidate for the Socialist Party of America. Thomas ran for office four times in quick succession on the Socialist ticket — for Governor of New York in 1924, for Mayor of New York in 1925, for New York State Senate in 1926, for Alderman in 1927. Following Eugene Debs' death in 1926, there was a leadership vacuum in the Socialist Party. Neither of the party's two top political leaders — Victor L. Berger and Hillquit — were eligible to run for President of the United States by virtue of their foreign birth. The third main figure, Daniel Hoan was occupied as Mayor of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Down to approximately 8,000 dues paying members, the Socialist Party's options were limited, and the little known minister from New York with oratorial skills and a pedigree in the movement became the choice of the 1928 National Convention of the Socialist Party as its standard bearer. In 1934, he ran for U.S. Senator from New York and polled almost 200,000 votes, then the second best result of Socialist candidates in New York state elections. The 1928 campaign marked the first of six consecutive campaigns of Thomas running as the Presidential nominee of the Socialist Party. As an articulate and engaging spokesman for democratic socialism, Thomas' influence was considerably greater than that of the typical perennial candidate. Although socialism was viewed as an unsavory form of political thought by most middle-class Americans, the well-educated Thomas — who often wore three-piece suits — looked like and talked like a president and gained grudging admiration. Thomas frequently spoke on the difference between socialism and Communism, explaining the differences between the movement he represented and that of revolutionary Marxism. Socialism is an economic and political theory advocating public or common ownership and cooperative management of the means of production and allocation of resources. Communism is a sociopolitical movement that aims for a classless society structured upon communal ownership of the means of production and the end of wage labor and private property. The exact definition of communism varies and it is commonly used interchangeably with socialism, however, communist theory contends that socialism is just a transitional stage on the way to communism. Thomas' early admiration for the Russian Revolution subsequently turned into energetic anti-Communism. (The revolutionaries thought him no better; Leon Trotsky, on more than one occasion, levelled high-profile criticism at Thomas.) He wrote several books, among them his passionate defense of World War I conscientious objectors, Is Conscience a Crime?, and his statement of the 1960s social democratic consensus, Socialism Re-examined. Repro pub dom.

product tags: elections, presidents, socialists, norman thomas, vintage, historical, buttons,

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Conservative Products! Bumper Sticker

Conservative Products! Bumper Sticker
Obama's goin' down!

product tags: obama, anti, democrat, democrats, democratic, liberal, liberals, liberalism, leftist, leftists, left wing, socialist, socialists, extremist, extremists, extremism, radical, radicals, political figures, election, 2012, november, november 2012, native, indian, naive, bumper stickers,

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starsnstripesshield, Defend FreedomDefeat Obama Bumper Stickers

starsnstripesshield, Defend FreedomDefeat Obama Bumper Stickers
says it all

product tags: barackobama, obama, obamanation, politicalfigures, elections2008, socialists, socialism, anti socialism, fascists, fascism, anti fascism, marxists, marxism, freedom, americans, voices, fight, patriotism, anti obama, conservative, patriotic, god, country, values, elections, bumper stickers,

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