Paris Street, Rainy Day by Gustave Caillebotte iPhone 4 Case

Paris Street, Rainy Day (aka Paris: A Rainy Day) (1877). Artist: Gustave Caillebotte (1848-1894). Paris Street, Rainy Day is a vintage impressionism fine art urban landscape painting featuring people walking in the rain holding umbrellas. A cobblestone street intersection near the Gare Saint-Lazare, a railroad station in north Paris, France.About the artist:Gustave Caillebotte was a French painter, member and patron of the group of artists known as Impressionists, though he painted in a much more realistic manner than many other artists in the group.
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Chicago Illinois Tribune Tower Poster

Chicago Illinois Tribune Tower Poster
Tribune Tower and Michigan Avenue Bridge, Chicago, Illinois. A vintage piece of americana and nostalgia of retro travel advertising, an advertisement for the architectural architecture captured in postcards. History showing landmarks of the citiscape, very collectible for the collector of city and town memorabilia and souvenirs, twentieth century street views.

product tags: tribune, tower, michigan, avenue, bridge, chicago, illinois, skyscrapers, urban, street scene, posters,

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