Fill My Cup! Poster

Fill My Cup! Poster
White magnolia flower poster with a message. I saw these petals as cups. Reaching up with outstretched hands to God for Him to fill them. All creation Praises God! Wonderful flower to look at. I ask God every day to fill my cup until it over flows. Buy this poster. God can and if you ask, He will fill your cup. God Bless! <embed src=";tl=zazzitup%27s+Gallery+at+Zazzle&amp;ch=zazzitup&amp;at=238215219321938870" flashvars="path=" width="450" height="300" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" />

product tags: magnolia flower, fill my cup, white magnolia flower, magnolia, posters,

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