Stupidty is contagious: Stay Back! Bumper Stickers

Stupidty is contagious: Stay Back! Bumper Stickers
A great amount of time is spent sitting in traffic, so what better way to express yourself than with a bumper sticker? Your fellow drivers will thank you for providing a funny, entertaining visual during the long commute to work.
Witty sayings and quotes about a variety of subjects. Jokes, humorous phrases, and one-liners about life. Humourous slogans and signs featuring sarcasm and satire.

product tags: twisted humor, witty sayings, humourous quotes, funny quotations, sarcastic jokes, text based designs, irony in everyday life, examples of sarcasm, comedy and satire, wisdom and wit, dark humor, humorous sayings, snark, bumper stickers,

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