Tenjiku Tokubei riding a giant toad, 歌川 国芳 Post Card

Tenjiku Tokubei riding a giant toad, 歌川 国芳 Post Card
Tenjiku Tokubei is the main character of a kabuki play and evokes magic with his fingers. By Japanese woodblock print artist and painter Utagawa Kuniyoshi. Color woodblock print, c.1850

Utagawa Kuniyoshi (Japanese: 歌川国芳) (ca. 1797 – April 14, 1861) was one of the last great masters of the Japanese ukiyo-e style of woodblock prints and painting and belonged to the Utagawa school.

歌川 国芳 (うたがわ くによし), 1798年1月1日(寛政9年11月15日) – 1861年4月14日(文久元年3月5日) は、江戸時代末期の浮世絵師。画号は一勇斎。

product tags: fine, asian, japanese, ukiyo e, artistic, creative, vintage, samurai, riding, giant, toad, kuniyoshi, nature, postcards,